Tuesday, October 22, 2013


A new poem for October! The students will have an opportunity to perform this in front of the class. I M posting an image of our October poem so they can practice at home. I also sent it home on paper today.

Story Structure Houses

The other week we learned all about story structure. When you build a house it doesn't make very much sense if you leave out a foundation or a window. Well in a story it also doesn't make much sense if you leave out the setting or the characters! The kids enjoyed making their cute houses! They also did awesome on the following assessment on all the story structure questions!

Happy Pumpkins

On a past Fun Friday we made paper bag pumpkins! The kids had a blast making them. We now have a pumpkin patch hanging above our heads! Thak you to all the moms that helped make this happen!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

One SPOOKtacular Classroom!

Wow Things are starting to look Halloweenie in our classroom!! We have
Frankenstein at our entrance, scary spiders, and friendly scarecrows.
Last week we had a focus on cause and effect with the story "Diary of a
Spider". Hence we made pop out cause and effect spiders! We also had
some amazing help from 3 wonderful moms to build our adorable
scarecrows. After stuffing the scarecrows we did some "How To"
writing on building scarecrows. The kids loved it! They all turned out
fabulous!  have spent Spud Harvest Break preparing for more fun
assignments to come! Thanks for being awesome, and letting me teach your
amazing children!!!!